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still no admins

Oh, it's been quite some time now with no challenges or admin announcements.y. I have collected my rewards, though. At least we're still getting them. I just like the jingle of the jangle of the money chests on my lock screen, honestly, even little kids are all curious whenever I start dinging lol hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. 

Remember to love each other

here ar my 2 boogers.



I am currently walking two different dogs that I own a little dotson and a boxer bully who likes to tug me around like i'm nothing and she is in heat and I am exhausted.The neighbor dog won't leave. I literally just cussed, and I had to back it up so that y'all didn't get offended, but I had to not Rocky off of my dog Lucy. Because he keeps trying to mount her. And now I'm all tangled up in my dog leashes. Lol, I am so frustrated what a wonderful start to a great evening, lolol yall  enjoy this lovely evening. It is in the forties now and it was in the teens this morning, so I will take forty something in missouri!



Author d Coleman

Post still no admins

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