This is absolutely a complete waste of time now. I mean 50,000 coins to get a £5 voucher is ridiculous and down right unattainable. Why have you put it up so high I mean you've gone from 500 coins, then it was 5,000 then 12,500 now 50,000 seriously those are massive margins and quite frankly stupid. Even if you put it back down to 5,000 and say you can only have 2/3 vouchers in a month would be better. The creators of this app need to stop thinking of the profit margin and start thinking of the users. I mean you don't always pay the coins of the games I'm still waiting for some nearly 6 month's down the line. I've contacted you a few times and I have given up now as I've had no response from you in regards to this.
作家 Laura Webb
報告 Waste of time now
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